Autumn Warmth Feast
Post date: Sep 21, 2020 9:38:10 AM
By Saelo Honeythumb
Autumn is at the door and it means many things. And of those things is me birthday, but it is not enough to prepare a feast alone.
Me friend and famous Hobbit in the Shire, Aodhfin, has moved to Songburrow recently and it means just one thing - burrow-warmin'! In this case, we decided to combine these two events and make it a feast - a real feast! Therefore, all Hobbits are invited to the feast. There will be music, various competitions, meals and drinks (five times, probably), fizzers and more! Do not forget to bring a song or poem, if you want to be one of the competitors.
The event will start at seven bells ((UK time)), in Myrtle Court of Songburrow, on October 3rd. Note that only Hobbits are allowed to the feast.
With warm regards,
Saelo Honeythumb