Autumn Hobnanigans
Post date: Sep 29, 2022 11:15:37 AM
By Pycella Woodberry
Once again, folks gather in Breeland to make them chucks fly. Also, the hobbits of the Grand Order and Hobbitry-in-Arms have heard of this hobnanigans and wish to have their share of the fun. If you are a hobbit and/or would like to join some at a game of hobnanigans, now is your chance! Here are the details.
Date: Sunday 9th October
Time: 7PM ((UK; 2PM server time))
Location: Hobnanigans fields, Horsefields, Breeland
First, we will play some rounds of hobnanigans. If the game is new to you, don’t worry, we’ll go through the basics. The main idea is to have fun and gather some tokens. Afterwards, we will (of course!) have some picnic, maybe some music, and if folks still have energy left, we can play tag in the nearby ruins.
Welcome to join this relaxed and playful event! Remember to bring some picnic food along too!
((OOC: This is an event where roleplaying hobbits visit the Breeland Horsefields for some games. Other races are welcome too, but please note that we’ll mostly stay in character, except when we need to explain some technicalities about the games themselves. This is a good opportunity to get some tokens for rewards and try the game of tag which is available at the nearby ruins at any given time. You can learn more about hobnanigans here and the game of tag here. If you miss the event this time, do not worry, another chance should come later on!))