10th Historical Field Trip, Sunday June 8
Post date: May 26, 2014 1:10:58 PM
By Lina Willowwood The Brandywine River. Eastern border of the Shire. Ruins near the riverbank tells stories from times past, even before hobbits came to our homelands. Join us for a night of history, tales and roast sausages over the campfire!
Date: Sunday June 8th
Time: 7:00PM UK ((2:00 PM servertime))
Location: Meet by the Brandywine Bridge (Shire side). We’ll walk to Girdley Island and start the tales and lectures about half an hour later.
Return to Girdley Island
Where does the Brandywine river come from, and where does it end its long journey? Did the river really freeze once, so white wolves could attack the Shire? Whatever possesses the Bucklanders to go swimming or mucking about in boats? Answers to these questions, and more, may be given during our third historical field trip in hobbit lands. There are no guarantees, though!
We will meet by the Brandywine Bridge (Shire side) before heading off up-river. Our target is Girdley Island a little to the north, famed recreation spot for Bucklanders, with promises of good fishing and little in the way of furry wildlife with sharp teeth. Once there, our local historians will present stories, tales, poetry and songs related to hobbit lore. Food WILL be served.
Want to know more about hobbit history? Then come along! Bring your fishing rod too! Oh, and sturdy clothes that yer not afraid of getting a bit wet…
((Out of Character information
Believe it or not, but this is the 10th in our series of hobbit field trips! This time, we’ll return to the site of the 3rd trip, which was held back in October 2010.
As usual, the trip combine a few lectures/stories of hobbit lore with songs and entertainment. If yer want to know more about hobbit and Shire history, here is yer chance.
Given the subject matter, this is very much a hobbit-preferred event. Should the odd loreseeking dwarf, man or elf interested in hobbit lore still choose to show up, they won’t be chased away, but wouldn’t you rather just roll a hobbit alt for the evening? If not, be prepared for puzzled looks and the odd comment about your beard and/or height during the night.
People are encouraged to listen raptly to the given lectures and save most dialogue to the breaks, but a few odd questions are always welckome! It goes without saying that this is a 100% In Character event, but remember that our historians often go for a tall, exciting tale more than strict lore accuracy.
The field trip should last about 2 hours or so.))