The Bramblebury Band that has no name yet
The Brambledabbles November 2012: (left to right) Tibba, Anerra, Rubellita, Akelay, Peppy, Nimelia
Originally founded by Yola Plumblossom as a musical duo, the Bramblebury band steadily grew into it's present form and shape. Remarkably enough, in all the time of it's existence the members have never decided on a name for their band. They have been known as the Bramblebury Band, the Brambleburians, The Brambleberries, The Brambly Brandy Band, Brambleshambledangles, Brambleberriepiethingies, and many more names.
One day in the year, on Bullroarer Took Day (March 17), they do decide on a name, exchange their burgundy garments for green ones and play as The Greenbrambles to honour that great hobbit hero Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took.
The Brambledoodles play at concerts, parties, burrow warmings, weddings and as often as they can at the Green Dragon on friday night. If you'd like to have merry hobbit music at your party you can ask them to come and play.
From the old days...
Playing from left to right:
Akelay, Adalbard, Lina, Yola, Maryelle, Simbo. (Strollers Lina and Simbo helping out)