Song - the Woodworm Song

Post date: Jun 26, 2013 7:51:35 AM

By Akelay Rumblebelly 

What about that ticking sound my bed is making?

Dear me, gracious, could that be a woodworm?

I know for sure as three of the four bed legs are breaking

Dear me, gracious, that must be a woodworm!

It's even looking out of its hole grinning at me

My bed's not the right place for such a woodworm to be

So come on, come on, shoo, into the fish bait jar with you!

You're gonna be a fish bait

Nasty wormy

Just wait and see

A tasty fish you'll catch for me

Sitting down for pie I hear my table is cracking

Dear me, gracious, not another woodworm!

It seems they choose me burrow for some serious attacking

Dear me, gracious, yet another woodworm

My furniture is gone, but now my bait jar is full

Another one I pick from what is left of my stool

So come on, come on, shoo, into the fish bait jar with you!

You're gonna be a fish bait

Nasty wormy

Just wait and see

A tasty fish you'll catch for me

Later at the shore I throw the hook with the worm in

'Dear me, gracious!' cries the drowning woodworm

My bait jar is alive now, full of hysteric squirming

'Dear me, gracious!' cry the other woodworms

When I retrieve the line I can't believe what I see

I'm bursting into tears while it is grinning with glee

The worm with its sharp teeth has caught a driftwood plank for me!

((OOC: This song is sung to the Locomotion song. You can listen to the original here:

There is a nice ABC file by Master Keli of Landroval you can find in Firefern's ABC Converter.))