Song & Painting - the Beauty of Spring
Post date: Mar 23, 2011 11:24:23 AM
by Amorey Sweetrose (painting).
and Peppy Bristlebrush (lyrics)
How sweet to be with Amorey,to breathe her fair perfume.Like a sweet rose does she smell.You can always tellwhen she enters, as she brightens up the room.How sweetto dance with Amorey,to see her hop and sway.If less timid I could be,I would ask: dance with me!and wish we could be dancing every day!How sweet to be with Amorey,how sweet.But then one rainy day,adventuring she went away.And I was chilled with fright,for drakes she went to fight!
Bleakwing, mean old thing,
a hobbit-sword's just a bee's sting!
Hey you! You are too precious
to fight so far away with such a vicious
and dangerous creature! Were you out of your mind?!
Because I love you,
I love you..
Oh, how sweet
to be with Amorey.
How sweet.
How... sweet.
How sweet.
Some information about the artists:
Her parents named her Amorey Lullabella Wildstrawberry Sweetrose which is really nice...but a bit of a mouth-full. For obvious reasons she is more commonly known as Amorey Sweetrose. Her father encouraged her since a very early age to learn to read and write, paint and play musical instruments. Inspired by her mother's love for songs and poems and great passion for books with illustrations she decided to follow the path of the Minstrel and Scholar. Miss Amorey recently settled down in a lovely burrow in Brightdown.
Master Peppy Bristlebrush until recently led a secluded life. Although being a fine musician and performer, he prefers his audiences as small as possible and therefore is seldom heard playing in public. But recently he found his muse, in his own words, and we may be hearing a bit more of him. Master Peppy earns a living by trading in ore.