Song - Iornaith the spider

Post date: Nov 05, 2014 10:24:40 AM

By Peppy Bristlebrush 

Near Archet there is a farm. 

All who go there, must be warned 

to be alert and be aware 

of a beast who came to live there. 

Iornaith the spider 

Iornaith the spider! 

Entered through a nearby cave

followed by her maids and knaves.

Then broke through a wall and now

the cellar’s where she’s settled down.

Iornaith the spider

Iornaith the spider!

Creepy, crawly,

Creepy, crawly,

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly,

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly,

The floor is covered in her goo.

Many webs with sticky glue

to capture you to serve as food

for her ever hungry brood.

Iornaith the spider

Iornaith the spider!

Creepy, crawly,

Creepy, crawly,

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly,

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly,

There’s a bounty on her head

Kill this monster full of dread

Bring some friends, don’t go alone

or you never will come home!

Iornaith the spider

Iornaith the spider!

This song belongs to the repertoire of the Traveling Bilberries and was first performed at Horrorfest 2014 ((Landroval server))

It is sung to the tune of "Boris the spider"