Poem - When We Were Young

Post date: Feb 21, 2015 6:30:29 PM

by Simbo Rumblebelly


When we were young and very small

We had no fears or cares at all

No matter what the olds would say

We'd have such fun, our games to play


We'd climb atop the apple trees

And singing birds pretend to be

And feeling in a merry mood

We'd "borrow" apples for our food

The woods were such a place of fun

Where we could hide from everyone

And making crowns from leaves and things

In forest halls we were the kings

We'd dance our way to tops of hills

And roll back down in noisy thrills

Or wrap ourselves in daisy chains

And splash in pools of summer rain

But when you're old, the folk all frown

If hills you come a-rolling down

They'd think you mad if they did see

You singing in the apple trees

Don't rush, don't shout, don't make a noise

You are too old to play with toys

It's like your trapped within a cage

Expected just to act your age

But hush, I say, why should we care

If grumpy folk just stand and stare

It matter not what others say

You're not too old your games to play

There's nothing wrong with having fun

If you're not hurting anyone

So grab your toys and shed your fears

And live your days, don't count your years