Poem - Wartimes
Post date: Apr 04, 2011 10:35:18 PM
Wartimes are dire times by Yola Plumblossom.
I don't believe in violence
I hate it very much
I'd rather live in friendship
with kindness, peace and such
But when it's used against me,
there's nothing I can do
In order to defend myself,
I have to be violent too.
So enemies, they will find out,
when attacking home and kin,
that this peaceful hobbitlass
a monster contains within.
That's why I loath all violence,
It brings up a bad in me
an anger and a will to kill
that I'd rather never see.
Yes, wartimes they are dire times
But heed we must to war's call
'Cause when we stand divided
Freedom's banner will surely fall!
Some information about the artist:
Miss Yola is a young and talented musician who has recently started to write song lyrics. She was
inspired to do this by her great example, Miss Lina Willowwood, who has given her some advice.
The above poem she wrote when on a lengthy tour of duty in war-torn Angmar.
Miss Yola is the editor of the Bramblebury Gazette and a keen ponyrider.