Poem - To The New Year

Post date: Jan 16, 2014 8:56:40 PM

By Simbo Rumblebelly

In the deepest winter days

The nights are all too long

All gone the birds from once green trees

And with them all their songs

With little light to fill past days

There may not be much to cheer

Don't dwell on all the days behind

For now comes a whole new year!

A time to turn the pages over

Or read a whole new book

For there is much to celebrate

You only have to look

Now sighs may taint what's gone before

And clouds may fill the view

Just think about the year to come

And saviour all things new

For soon the Spring will bring to life

It won't be long to wait

Just think of what new paths you'll tread

Beyond your garden gate

And set yourself a whole new goal

A task you could achieve

And let the new year quell your doubts

You know you must believe!

But first, a party's what we need

To welcome in the year

With pipes to play a raucous tune

We'll toast the time with beer!

With friends beside, you'll have some fun

They'll celebrate with you

Perhaps the coming year will bring

Some whole new friendships too

So come as one, or come as all

The year is here for you

For young or old or quick or slow

The year is always new

It reaches out and leads you on

A whole new path to tread

Just greet those days with loving smiles

Your new year lies ahead

Some words by the author:

A poem looking ahead to the New Year! As written quickly one evening in the Green Dragon at the suggestion of Miss Acorne.