Poem - the Purrem
Post date: Dec 05, 2010 11:54:38 AM
The Purrem - by Simbo Rumblebelly
And just what is that?
Asleep on the mat
So fluffy and fat
It must be a cat!
With soft flowing fur
A him or a her?
Noisily it purrs
Then quickly it stirs
It stretches its claws
Like sharp tools of war
It crosses the floor
And heads out the door
Soon prowling the grass
This fluffy outcast
But moving quite fast
As bounders walk past
Out hunting for shrews
And mice and rats too
Anything that moves
It gets one or two
It scratches a flea
Beneath an oak tree
Then looks up to see
It's bird pie for tea!
The birds do not stay
They all fly away
They won't be its prey
No bird pie today
It strolls down a lane
Now hungry again
As it starts to rain
Its home calls its name
Back at the homestead
A lass rests in bed
It claws at her head
And cries to be fed
Lass opens the door
A well-stocked food store
The cat licks its paw
It's hungry no more
And so that is that!
It's back to the mat
And there it's now sat
All hail the cat!
Some information about the artist:
Master Simbo is a famous poet around the Shire. When not preoccupied with collecting and eating pies, Master Simbo works on expanding his collection of self-written poems. He is a regular visitor of the Green Dragon, where on fridaynights he may be found willing to recite some of his work. Master Simbo is also a gifted musician and actor.