Poem - the Bicuitem

Post date: Jun 21, 2011 8:41:30 AM

By Simbo Rumblebelly 

Now the pantry is bare  There's no biscuits in there  And so gently you sob  And then turn and despair  You would bake some this hour  But you've run out of flourAnd there's worse when you findAll your butter's gone sour Now your belly feels slackYou're in need of a snackAnd a biscuit or twoWill stop hunger's attackHow you'd savour the smellOf some biscuits baked wellWill you find any food?You just give out a yell You want honey and oatsIn a chocolatey coatYou imagine the tasteAt the back of your throat

Or with nuts or with fruit

Such a biscuit would suit

But your throat is so dry

Like a worn out old flute


As you think of those treats

All those sugary sweets

How the thought makes you sweat

From your head to your feet

But you don't have to wait

You see friends at your gates

And they're carrying gifts

They have biscuits on plates!


So you shouldn't despair

When your pantry is bare

You can turn to your friends

Who are happy to share

For it's true in the end

They are happy to lend

And those biscuits are best

When they're shared with your Friends

Some information about the artist:

Master Simbo is a famous poet around the Shire. When not preoccupied with collecting and eating pies, Master Simbo works on expanding his collection of self-written poems. He is a regular visitor of the Green Dragon, where on fridaynights he may be found willing to recite some of his work. Master Simbo is also a gifted musician and actor. He also is the initiator and promoter of synchronised dancing, giving classes and performances with his Dancing Troupe.