Poem - the Ballad of Letti Sweettoe

Post date: Dec 08, 2013 11:12:21 AM

By Simbo Rumblebelly  

Part One   

Now Letti Sweettoe was a lass  

Who lived by Tuckborough Hall  

And every Sunday she would work  

At cleaning round Great Smials  

For with her duster in her hand  

She'd sweep and wipe all round  

The dust was blown from off the books  

And cobwebs brushed all down  

One day whilst cleaning off some books

One fell upon the floor

When Letti reached and opened it

A map was what she saw

But Letti couldn't read so well

So knew not what it told

But seeing pictures of a chest

She thought it lead to gold!

She hid the book within her coat

On leaving work that day

Deciding rather eagerly

She'd hunt it right away

But where to start she was not sure

For words she could not read

Yet lines were dotted on the map

To treasure they must lead!

She recognised a picture first

A drawing of the Smials

And jagged lines from out the door

Led Eastward to the fields

Was that the symbol of a wood?

Perhaps the willow tree?

She made her aim to head there first

To see what she could see

She prodded at the Willow's roots

And hunted round and round

In bushes and beneath the rocks

No treasure could be found

This eager searching left her tired

And time began to creep

So resting up against the trunk

She had a little sleep

Her dreams were full of gold and gems

Of necklaces and rings

And splendid coloured silken clothes

Such fancy special things

But Letti startled from her dreams

As voices she did hear

And down the path she saw in dread

Some brigands skulking near!

She dived behind a nearby bush

And hid there just in time

Too late though Letti realised

The book she'd left behind!

And horror struck as she then saw

The brigands picked it up

The leader of them studied hard

And started speaking up...

"This book it tells of boundless wealth

It's held at Tuckborough Hall

Let's get our clan and then attack

So we can claim it all!"

And when the brigands sauntered off

Young Letti turned to run

"I have to warn the Thain!" she cried

"Oh what is it I've done!"


Part Two

So, Letti ran and ran and ran

Until she reached the hall

And knocking on the oaken door

She gave a mighty call

"Oh Thain", she cried, "Please come at once,

"For Tuckborough is in strife!"

"And brigands come this very way"

"With axes, clubs and knives!"

The Thain tried calming Letti down

"Now lass, what's this you say?"

"It must be nigh on fifty years"

"Since brigands came this way"

So, Letti paused and took a breath

And told the story true

How brigands had now got the book

And what they planned to do

The Thain's old face turned ashen white

He knew that doom was near

Determination then took hold

He said "We must not fear!"

Beside the door there was a bell

The Thain he rang it loud

Then bounders from around the town

Did form an eager crowd

The Thain addressed the bounders there

"Do heed what now I say"

"For trouble comes to Tuckborough Hall"

"We must defend this day"

He turned to face young Letti next

"It best that you now hide"

"Fear not, we'll foil the brigands plans"

"To raid what lies inside"

The brigands came within the hour

Their voices full of spite

They smashed apart the wooden gates

The bounders then gave fight!

And trembling deep within the hall

The noise made Letti weep

The clash of arms on shield and stone

And cries that pierced deep

The battle lasted many hours

But with the setting sun

The brigands had not broke the line

The hobbits had now won!

Though bruised and battered, cut and scratched

Such evil they had braved

But now they stood triumphantly

And Tuckborough Hall was saved!

The Thain stood proudly by the Hall

With Letti by his side

"It's time, my dear, for you to learn"

"The treasure that we hide"

"Not gold, nor gems, but something more"

"So come and take a look"

"It's knowledge that we treasure most"

"That's held within these books"

So Letti never would forget

She heeded what she heard

And soon she learnt to read and write

To treasure all the words

And poems were her favourite

She came to write in time

Perhaps it was young Letti then

Who wrote this very rhyme....?