Poem - Shrews

Post date: Feb 03, 2012 11:44:51 PM

by Simbo Rumblebelly.

So tell me little Shrew

Just what is it you do?

You run about the garden

Just doing things that Shrews do?

Your numbers may be few

I count just one or two

So are you busy making

Some little baby Shrews?

As morning sun breaks through

Do you drink morning dew?

And spend your day just eating

And looking at the view?

But hawks and owls too

Are always hunting you

I guess they may be thinking

That Shrews are there to chew

I wonder who is who

And if you have names too

Are any Shrews called Bernard?

Or Stu or Pugh or Hugh?

So, do give me a clue

And tell me what you do

You life seems very secret

I ponder Shrews like you

But wait, I think it's true

I know just what you do

You just keep on doing

The things that Shrews all do