Poem - Pozee's Wild Trip ta DreamLand

Post date: Jul 22, 2022 3:31:35 PM

By Pozee Longleaf 

Most a the time yer hopin' ta sleep

Whenever ya go ta bed

But sometimes somethin' else happens

And ya start dreamin' instead

Afore I went ta sleep that night

I had meself a snack

I figgered it would be okay

As it was near the end of the day

So I put on me night shirt

And gave the kitty some cream

Next thing I knew I wuz whisked away

Inta a strange kinda dream

Wuz a busy day as most folks know

At the market in Michel Delving

There I wuz with me veggie basket

But I ain't wearin' no clothes!!!!

I run ta hide in the bushes

My face wuz red as a beet

I tried ta gather my senses

Then noticed that I had three feets!!!

I thought 'What in tarnation!'

Somethin's gotta ta be wrong

Don't wanna create a sensation

I better be movin' along

So I went inta stealthy

As we burglars sometimes will

I needed ta git away somewhere

So I tried goin' up the hill

It sure wuzn't easy

Tryin' ta flee with three feet

But I did the bestest I could

Ta git myself outta the street

I whistled fer my pony

But he wuz nowhere ta be found

But it wuz then that I noticed

There wuz great big shrews all around

Wuz they gonna have me fer dinner?

Wuz I at the end a my rope?

They all sure looked mighty hungry

It looked like there wuz no hope

About that time I noticed

Somethin' circlin' above in the sky

It looked as if to be buzzards

This could really be good bye

Suddenly they came a swoopin'

'N grabbed me up off the ground

And landed me back ta my burrow

'N I wuz all safe and sound

Not quite as noteworty a rescue

As one by eagles fer sure

But the end wuz a good outcome

I wuz safe and secure

I woke in my bed muddled

I still had my night shirt on

The kitty wuz there all cuddled

And one a my feet wuz gone!!

Advice on dreamin' is simple

I will most surely recite

Don't eat onion stew

Afore goin' ta sleep at night

A little bit of info about the author: Miss Pozee's statement about winning the Summer Bard competition 2022: I wuz pleasantly surprised. I got some wonderful prizes; strawberry stout and apple pies, a very nice fish trophy I put in my bedroom, and a title 'Speaker of Words' and the honor of being recognized as the Summer-Time Bard until the competition next year!!