Poem & Painting - the Tree sonnet**
Post date: Apr 01, 2011 11:44:44 PM
Poem by Simbo Rumblebelly
Painting by Amorey Sweetrose
To grow as tall and fine as mighty treesThat spread their roots so far across the landWith leaves that rustle gently on the breezeAnd twigs on branches that reach out like handsThe oak, the beech, the elm the sycamoreSo proudly standing tall throughout the yearsWith Springtime blooms and Summer fruits for allAnd then Autumnal leaves do fall like tearsTo see those trees that grow in fields aloneThose mighty kings surveying all they seeHow proud they stand, yet standing on their ownMuch better to live their with companySometimes I dream and wish that we all couldJust come together now, as trees in woods** A sonnet is a special sort of poem with just 14 lines.
Some information about the artist(s):
Master Simbo is a famous poet around the Shire. When not preoccupied with collecting and eating pies, Master Simbo works on expanding his collection of self-written poems. He is a regular visitor of the Green Dragon, where on fridaynights he may be found willing to recite some of his work. Master Simbo is also a gifted musician and actor.
Her parents named her Amorey Lullabella Wildstrawberry Sweetrose which is really nice...but a bit of a mouth-full. For obvious reasons she is more commonly known as Amorey Sweetrose. Her father encouraged her since a very early age to learn to read and write, paint and play musical instruments. Inspired by her mother's love for songs and poems and great passion for books with illustrations she decided to follow the path of the Minstrel and Scholar. Miss Amorey recently settled down in a lovely burrow in Brightdown.