Poem - Ode to the Grand Order

Post date: Nov 17, 2015 2:30:54 PM

By Simbo Rumblebelly  

A poem written in honour of the Grand Order's Eigth Anniversary. In a time when there are many bad things going on, it's emphasis is firmly of Friendship 

Ode to the Grand Order 

We welcome you to Songburrow

We've glad that you are here

To join us in our gathering

Remembering eight years

For at such times, it does us good

To meet up with our friends

Let hope this evening's full of hugs

And hope should never end

And so, it was eight years ago

A group of friends met up

At the Golden Perch in Stock

Where ale is fondly supped

And tales were told, adventures shared

With friendships gladly made

And so it was the Order formed

With Mathoms as their trade

The made their home in Songburrow

And built a stately hall

There outside laid a welcome mat

And Mathoms lined the wall

The table ever full with food

For all the hungry guests

The hall was like a sanctuary

Where weary folk could rest

And folk did come and folk did go

Throughout the days that passed

So many memories were made

Of happiness that lasts

But best of all, the friendships formed

Should fill us all with cheer

So hug your friends as tight you can

There's hope for all our years