Poem - Cat, beer and duck pond

Post date: Jul 09, 2011 8:52:41 AM

By Hamsgard. 

Quite a special poem, this one, as it was made as a challenge. On Green Dragon Night Master Hamsgard was given two topics and a location, "Cat, Beer and Duck Pond", and within 10 minutes he had made the following poem which he then recited: 

As I walked out in Little Delving, 

I spied upon a cat, 

he moved fast, advancing,

a duck upon his back!

I shouted to the feline,

making such a bee-line,

"What is that there?

Upon your hair?

Or am I raving mad?"

He looked so sad,

and said with a frown,

"a duck is a duck,

a cluck is a cluck,

and into pond he goes,

for I walk daily,

for beer gaily,

in the name of prose!"

Well I sat there,

Without a care,

and watched the curious scene,

whatever could it mean?

a cat, a beer and a duck pond,

How could I respond?

"Well good luck to you!

For beer I drink too!"

and went upon my way,

Now all have a great Green Dragon day!

Some information about the artist:

Hamsgard is a wandering bard who goes from town to town in the Shire working for food and lodging.