Poem - Autumn Contentment

Post date: Oct 06, 2013 6:2:32 PM

by Simbo Rumblebelly

A hard day's work has just been done

The harvest day in Autumn's sun

The corn is cut and lays in stacks

Their whiskered head all put in sacks

With apples picked off orchard's trees

And honey salvaged from the bees

There's mushrooms picked from out the woods

Our baskets bulge with Autumn's goods

I wipe the sweat from off my brow

Relieved the day is over now

And as the sun begins to gloam

I start to make my way back home

I put my tools upon my pack

And set off down the narrow track

Between the rows of fading trees

Now painted with their golden leaves

With all the work, my legs still ache

And long the path that I must take

In balmy air, I take it slow

Whilst picking blackberries as I go

And soon I reach the garden gate

I hope that I am not too late

Although I've worked hard all day long

The thought of tea has kept me strong

The homely door is opened wide

A welcome sight I see inside

These faces with their welcome smiles

It's worth the work and all the miles

And as I look around I'm sure

The one thing that I'm working for

It's all those standing close to me

Contentment is my family