Poem - An Adventure

Post date: Nov 17, 2012 5:21:37 PM

By Simbo Rumblebelly

It's time for an adventure now

So when I rise from bed

I hope to make this normal day

Adventurous instead

Rather than going left today

Perhaps I'll take a right?

And follow where the road may lead

I'll wander 'til it's night

If any fences, gates or walls

Should rise in front of me

I'll hurdle them with such a bound

And see what I can see!

What special places could I find

If I should walk for miles?

If any stangers I should meet

I'll greet them with a smile!

Through luscious forests I could roam

Or golden hills so tall

I'll stroll beside some mighty streams

And bathe by waterfalls

I think of distant mountains tops

That touch the crimson sky

Imagine deep and eerie caves

Where sleeping dragons lie...

...But dragons will mean danger though

And troubles lay ahead

Not everything is nice and kind

There may be things I dread!

There may be hungry wolves and bears

That want to feast on me

And lurking spiders with their webs

Could string me up for tea

Perhaps there will be goblin folk

That cut and stab and thrust?

They've burnt the grass that once was green

And turned the land to dust....

Well...I've thought about adventuring

Whilst lying in my bed

I think I'll stay here snoozing now

And dream of them instead

Some information about the artist:

Master Simbo is a famous poet around the Shire. When not preoccupied with collecting and eating pies, Master Simbo works on expanding his collection of self-written poems. He is a regular visitor of the Green Dragon, where on fridaynights he may be found willing to recite some of his work. Master Simbo is also a gifted musician and actor. He also is the initiator and promoter of synchronised dancing, giving classes and performances with his Dancing Troupe.