How to vote

Post date: Dec 18, 2010 8:2:0 AM

The program of the election night has been published before and sees no changes in the order of the events. The biggest change is, that all visitors of the election night can now vote, whether they live in Bramblebury or not. This has been so decreed by mayor Whitfoot himself. Rumour has it, that he had  been muddling his wit by drinking too much of Barliman's Best and that little voices in his head told him to change the procedures like this. But again, these are only rumours.

When the voting starts, the chairperson of the election committee, Miss Yola Plumblossom, will position herself in the little pavilion, next to the Skirmish Bard. Voters are asked to line up neatly and approach her one by one.

When asked by the chairperson ((she will /tell you when it is your turn)) you whisper to her your vote. Please think carefully before you vote, as your vote is registred immediately and cannot be changed again!

((To make this go smoothly, please do not send other /tells to Miss Yola during the voting procedures. If you have any questions, you can present these to Master Bovso))

After voting, please leave the pavillion again and join the festivities near the decorated tree.

The committee would like to ask you to let musicians and other entertainers vote first, so they can start to do their show for you again.

Master of ceremonies for this night will be Bovso Oakengates. We have Bramblebury musicians who will entertain you, but if you want to perform too, then discuss this with Master Bovso please.

Leading the debate between the candidates for deputy mayor will be Miss Yola Plumblossom. She will give the public the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates too.

Announcing the outcome of the elections and installing the winners in their new function will be mayor Will Whitfoot.


For your skirmish soldiers, free drinks are served at the Bird and Baby Inn! A hobbit called Pepito will provide entertainment for them. So please send them there and do not take them to Bramblebury. Thank you!'

And then..

There were regretful incidents at the Green Dragon night, last friday, involving the throwing of snowballs and rotten fruit at guests and also at persons who were trying to entertain us and make important announcements.

The committee wishes sincerely that all visitors not agreeing with a candidate, will not express this by the throwing of anything potential harmful or insulting in the direction of said candidate. The throwing of flower petals to express agreement, admiration or general happiness, is however encouraged.