Miss Tibba's song (updated)

Post date: May 19, 2011 7:22:11 AM

Dear Bramblebury Gazette,  


I read in the excellent Gazette today a wonderful article by Miss Tibba describing the delightful burrow-warming party of Miss Amorey Lullabella Wildstrawberry Sweetrose's burrow. However, the article makes no mention of Miss Tibba's own contribution to the evening, in which she also herself sung a most lovely song dedicated to Miss Amorey and Master Peppy. It was simply a fantastic song, sung so finely by Miss Tibba.


I am sure Miss Tibba was too modest to mention it, but I would be most grateful if you could publish this letter to let everyone know what a talented Hobbit Miss Tibba is, and how the evening wouldn't have been the same without her song.


Many thanks!



Ed. We do listen to our readers suggestions and grant their wishes if at all possible. We contacted Miss Tibba and gained her permission to add the words of the song to the end of her article.