New Year ...New Band ...Same ol' OAKS

By Acorne Oakley


Thanks dear Eddine & Pompa fer bringin the always awesum Stars down from the Valar ta join us in Oldfurlong fer the December OAKS ***warm hugs***  

I luv the way that ya folks jump head first inta yer concert wit the soothin melody from them metalworkers of the village known as Metallica. woohoo!  Ya had the audience of the OAKS hoppin and dancin fer hours!    ...I luved it!!!  

viel wunderbare Musik und wirklich tolle Arrangements!!

 ( Brago taut me how ta say that and I tries ta teach him how ta dress properly ..I'm sure he lern sumday ) 

                                       Vielen Dank, Sternchen Der Valar!

Also thanks again ta my wonderful Sweet Neighbour fer makin these magick pics of this concert..

iffin ya listen carefully ...ya can hear their music when ya look at these pics of the amazin ...

  Sternchen Der Valar  ...

*whispers*  {{ now 'bout these rumors of a GIANT comin ta move all of our Shire far away ...

sounds like an adventure & dont tell my gammer but I luv adventures!  so ....After I finish this season wit the Forest in May ..I be goin on an adventure wit that merry lad }}

Now begins a new year    ..wit a brand new band   ..sort of new ....

ya're gonna be a fan soon I know      May I introduce ya folks ta the ...

                                       Hillbilly - Moonshiner's

I have herd that this band dropped inta the Nite of the Muses last Wednesday ..just ask one of them folks and they be tellin ya how good this band is fer certain.

Or ...ya culd just come see/hear fer yerself.

Ya folks will get a double treat ...a good drink & great music!!

Ya knows ya cannot miss that :D

where:  the town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood in the Shire homesteads

                           ((Altfurch auf Deutsch / Longuevieille en français))

when:    Saturday January 25th at seven and a half bells in the evenin 

                  (( 19:30 UK time / 20:30 CET / 2:30pm server time ))

This OAKS will be kickin off ...       Hillbilly Weekend

when a brand -new- band (sort of)  starts the new year of OAKS!

That's rite ...a weekend full of great music cause the Evendim Hillbillies and the Bartunnel Cidermill Band will be playin at the grand openin of the Bartunnel Cider Mill ..

when they finally "starts the press and the sweet apples turn to even sweeter cider"  ....              (( 7:30pm UK time / 8:30pm CET / 2:30pm servertime ))


Warm hugs all around,
